Gumption, Skill & Tenacity: The Year of the Writer

Tilted Writer Musings
4 min readJan 12, 2021

Gumption, Skill & Tenacity: The Year of the Writer

We’re looking at the middle of January, writers. Whatcha got to show for it?

tilted writer 2021 year of the writer creative writing skill tenacity
It’s 2021. It’s time to write.

It’s ok. We’ve all been in a bit of a time warp, and it’s easy to lose track of time — especially after participating in the carb-loaded, sugar fest that was the month of December. This past holiday was a combination of trying to do everything “like we always have” while creating new traditions to help us slog our way through Covid and its devastating effects.

Some writers created awesome stuff. Some found new TV shows or new hobbies, and some rekindled their love of the Kindergarten mid-day nap. Some of us found solace in peanut butter fudge, which leads to the aforementioned napping…which cuts into productive work time. It’s a drain-circling spiral, honestly.

You’re on Notice

This is a wakeup call for all the writers who are coming off of a 1-, 2-, or 9-month hiatus. It’s time to pull up your stretchy pants, wash the powdered donut residue off your face, and dust the cobwebs out of that crazy-creative brain of yours. You’ve got things to say, and it’s time to say them.

That rattling you hear? Those are ideas! They’ve been trying to get your attention for a while, and you’re the ONLY one who knows about them. You, dear writer, are the only human on the face of this planet who can make your stories come to life.

Pretty soon, we’ll blink, and January will be gone. But don’t worry, by following a few key pieces of advice, you’ll soon find yourself ready to kick wimpy word counts to the curb.

The All-The-Motivation-You-Need-to-Get-Off-Your-Butt-and-Write List

Welcome to the list that will get your brain fired up and your ideas percolating. BONUS: You’re getting it while we’re still in January, which is WAY better than my timeline for getting Christmas cards to family, so you and your muse can start to mingle and get some creative genius onto the page ASAP.

tilted writer creative writing muse finish your novel 2021 book writing

Don’t worry, it’s a short list. C’mon…we’ll do it together. Let’s rock the writing life in 2021:

1. Figure out where you left off. If it’s been a FAT minute since you touched that book, you’ll need to refresh your memory. Pick up your MS, dust it off, settle in with a cup of coffee, and read what you’ve written. Note: If it’s crap, that’s ok. We’re only looking forward, and if you recognize crap, that means you’re growing as a writer! Familiarize yourself with the plot, summon your muse, and get ready to fire up the old story-writing machine.

2. Make peace with the death. If you know you need to lay an old story to rest, take a moment to say a final good-bye. The plot and characters have been close to your heart, but they’re on a fast train to nowhere. The pool boy isn’t going to make it into Juilliard, and his mistress has already moved on to the gardener. Set your sites on loftier goals and start brainstorming your next brilliant story.

3. Stop trying to be like that dude. You can only be yourself — as a writer and as a person. The sooner you embrace that truth, the sooner you’ll embrace all your awesomeness. The world is ready to read your unique, amazing work — so bring it! Sure, we all want to be the next Stephen King, but do you ever wonder if his friends are just a little bit creeped out during power outages or massive storms? Just be YOU and let your creativity flow.

4. Jump & don’t hold your breath. The number one rule in scuba diving is ‘never hold your breath.’ It’s seriously bad news. No matter what adventure you’re on, no matter what creative path you take, be sure to pause and relish the moment you’re in. BREATHE. Look around and then bravely choose adventure. Inhale boldly…and go for it! Every damn time.

5. Do push-ups. If you fall, get back up. Will you get knocked down? Absolutely. You will get flattened. Why? Because we work in a subjective world. There’s no comprehensive rubric for what we do. It’s all about perspective and opinion — and you’ll hear a lot of opinions. Get ready to grow a thick skin and embrace the calluses you build. Read — really read — the feedback you get. Ingest suggestions and consider different perspectives. If you keep an open mind, you’ll find GOLD in the feedback you get. It may sting a little, but it teaches a lot.

Try adopting these five new ways to rock your writing life in 2021 and discover how you can set yourself apart as a creative. You’ve got the stories. You’ve got the skill. Now you just need the gumption and the tenacity to get the work done.

Happy 2021 & happy writing!



Tilted Writer Musings

Tilted Writer is a group of nerdy-chic story enthusiasts who support each other, encourage creativity, and well…write lots of stuff.